Shared Note
| Shared Note: - [Tyrney D. Friend web page Oct 2000]On June 12, 1786, Isaac was granted a deed of assignment of a lease to Jacob Short in Loudoun Co., Virginia. He went to Rockingham Co., Virginia in 1804, settling at Maple Swamp near Brock's Gap. This was a German - Swiss settlement. There exists no record of his land purch ase, but it appears that his daughter, Margaret, purchased his 250 acre estate at Brock's Gap in 1830. When Isaac came to Rockingham County, he purchased a mare, with a bald face, and a yearling colt from John Ritchie in 1805. He also purchased a white and red buffalo cow, twelve hogs, a windmill, pewter plates, furniture, and other equipment. Isaac's family attended the Rader's Luthern Church.