ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 1106 of file functions_print.php in function print_note_record
1 called from line 1214 of file functions_print.php in function print_fact_notes
2 called from line 477 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
3 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
4 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
5 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1403 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 579 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact_sources
1 called from line 475 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
2 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
3 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
4 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 2: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
0 Error occurred on in function preg_replace
1 called from line 414 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _addName
2 called from line 437 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
3 called from line 123 of file class_source.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 577 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getFullName
5 called from line 589 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact_sources
6 called from line 475 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
7 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
8 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
9 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 1106 of file functions_print.php in function print_note_record
1 called from line 1221 of file functions_print.php in function print_fact_notes
2 called from line 477 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
3 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
4 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
5 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 1106 of file functions_print.php in function print_note_record
1 called from line 1214 of file functions_print.php in function print_fact_notes
2 called from line 477 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
3 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
4 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
5 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 1106 of file functions_print.php in function print_note_record
1 called from line 1214 of file functions_print.php in function print_fact_notes
2 called from line 477 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
3 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
4 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
5 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 1106 of file functions_print.php in function print_note_record
1 called from line 1214 of file functions_print.php in function print_fact_notes
2 called from line 477 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
3 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
4 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
5 called from line 453 of file individual.php
408. Wood, Ralph V., Francis Cooke of the Mayflower, Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 12, 1995.
Note: Will inventory on 14 MAY 1689
Proven 04 SEP 1689
Note: Plymouth County Probate Records, I: 44, 45. Experience Mitchell's Will Dated 1684
These are to publish and declare to all whom it may concerne that I Exsperience Mitchell now living in the Towne of Bridgwater in the Collony of new Plimoth being through the Mercy of God of sound Judgment and memory do Ordeine and make my last will and Testament in manner following: viz: into the hands of God I Comend my sperit beleiveingly Resigneing up my soule into the everlasting armes of Gods mercy father Son and holy spirit: my Body to bee decently Interred at the discretion of my executor and other Christian friends: and for my outward estate I do will that after all my Just debts and funerall exspences be paid: my lands and other moveables be disposed of as followeth
Imprimis I give to my Son Edward michell after my deseace all my lands both upland and medow lying in the Towne of Duxborough at the place where I formerly dwelt as appeareth by deed: and if it shall please God so to order that my wife mary michell shall survive me: I Require my Son Edward to take Care of her for her Comfortable subsistence during her life: provided that she will live with him at Bridgwater: but if she rather incline to live at Duxborough: I then Order that halfe the rent of that land at Duxborough shall be to my wife during her life and after my desease my Son Edward shall have the sole dispose of it as to the letting of it out for the house; I acknowledge it to be his: allso the bed and bolster two pillowes on paire of sheets and two Blankets which are at my son Edwards and we made use of; I give them to him after our desease
as for my Son John I have formerly given him his proportion of land and my will is that he rest satissfied therewith, which was foure score acers of upland and foure acers of medow lying at namatakeset within the Towneship of Duxborough: this is the full of what I intend him as to land only there are severall moveables in his hand at present which are mine: of which one Cow a short Gun and a small Iron kettle
I Give unto my Granson Exsperience: and the remainder I give unto my son John as [for my] land lying in the Towne of Middlebery;
I give it to my Daughters Mary Shaw Sarah Hayward and Hannah Hayward and to my granson Experience Mitchell the son of my son John, to be equally devided betwene them
farther I Give to my daughter Mary Shaw twenty shillings to Hannah Hayward [forty shillings in Currant] pay: and if my stocke stand I give to my granson Thomas Mitchell one Cowe and to my grandaughter mary michell one Cow I leave the dispose of my grandaughter mary michell with my Son Edward and Joseph Bartlet:
as for the rest of my moveables and chattels I Bequeath them to my son Edward michell whom I appoint and Ordaine sole executor of this my last will and Testament revoking all other wills and Testaments Whatsoever Witnes my hand and seale this fift of December 1684 Signed and Sealed Experien michell in the presence of (Seal) Thomas Hayward John Haward Leiut Thomas Hayward and Ensigne John Haward the within named witnesses appeared before the magistrates of the County of Plimouth at Plimouth September the 4th 1689 and made Oath that they were present & saw Experience Mitchell deceased above named Signe Seal & Declare this Instrument as his last will and Testament & that to the best of their understandings he was of Disposing mind & memory when he so did. Attest Saml Sprague Clerk [On the back of the will] "The within written will is Entered and [Recorded in the] County Booke of Wills and Inventoryes: page 44 pr Saml Sprague Clerk" "Experience Mitchell his Will: 1684"
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 1106 of file functions_print.php in function print_note_record
1 called from line 1214 of file functions_print.php in function print_fact_notes
2 called from line 477 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
3 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
4 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
5 called from line 453 of file individual.php
408. Wood, Ralph V., Francis Cooke of the Mayflower, Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 12, 1995.
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php