Miles Harvey Shortridge  ‎(I3192)‎
Miles Harvey Shortridge

Gender: MaleMale

Birth: October 1827 36 40 -- , Tazewell, Virginia, USA

Personal Facts and Details

ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php

ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 1406 of file individual_ctrl.php in function print_facts_tab
2 called from line 1295 of file individual_ctrl.php in function getTab
3 called from line 453 of file individual.php
Birth Birth October 1827 36 40 , Tazewell, Virginia, USA

Globally unique Identifier E335B5EECFA185504854274D85BB8A40
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Parents Family  (F592)
Robert Shortridge
1791 - 1859
Rebecca Brown
1787 - 1848
James Shortridge
1808 - 1834
Andrew Shortridge
1809 - 1898
Catherine Shortridge
1812 - 1843
Sarah Shortridge
1812 - 1890
Ruthie Shortridge
1814 - 1827
John Shortridge
1816 - 1874
George Shortridge
1817 -
Polly Shortridge
1818 -
Martha Shortridge
1819 - 1880
Boone Howard Shortridge
1824 -
Miles Harvey Shortridge
1827 -
Addison P Shortridge
1829 -
Robert Silk Shortridge
1829 - 1909
Anderson Scott Shortridge
1834 - 1885
Elizabeth Shortridge
1837 -
Benjamin F Shortridge
1839 - 1893
Nancy Shortridge
1841 - 1929
Arminta Shortridge
1842 - 1889
Cynthia Shortridge
1848 -
Smith Shortridge
1849 - 1928