Events of close relatives
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Birth 1813 28 31
Death of mother's sibling May 1813 Williamson, Williamson, Tennessee, United States
uncle: Benjamin Bugg (I3360) (Age 47)
Birth of a nephew or niece 23 September 1815 (Age 2)
nephew: Frances Serene Arthur (I1088) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 18) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 15) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of sibling 1815 (Age 2) Brother: Harmon Hyche (I2772) (Age 10)
Birth of a nephew or niece 28 September 1816 (Age 3)
niece: Lucy Arthur (I1089) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 19) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 16) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of sibling 1817 (Age 4) Sister: Mary Hyche (I2774)
Death of a grand-parent 1818 (Age 5) Dickson, Dickson, Tennessee, United States
Grandmother: Elizabeth Gilliam (I2777) (Age 65)
Death of a grand-parent 1818 (Age 5) Dickson, Dickson, Tennessee, United States
Grandfather: John William Bugg (I2776) (Age 67)
Birth of a nephew or niece 2 July 1818 (Age 5)
nephew: John Arthur (I1090) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 21) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 18) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of sibling 1818 (Age 5) Brother: Henry Hyche (I2775)
Death of mother's sibling 1820 (Age 7) Tennessee, United States
aunt: Temperance Bugg (I3361) (Age 55)
Birth of a nephew or niece 5 June 1820 (Age 7)
niece: Emily Arthur (I1091) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 23) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 20) [View Family (F169)]
Death of mother's sibling 1822 (Age 9) Columbia, Georgia, United States
aunt: Mary Bugg (I3364) (Age 62)
Birth of a nephew or niece 8 January 1822 (Age 9)
niece: Matila Arthur (I1092) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 25) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 22) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of a nephew or niece 29 October 1827 (Age 14)
niece: Malinda Arthur (I1093) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 30) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 27) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of a nephew or niece 20 January 1829 (Age 16)
nephew: Clayborn C. Arthur (I1094) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 32) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 29) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of a nephew or niece 5 February 1830 (Age 17)
niece: Precilla Arthur (I1095) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 33) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 30) [View Family (F169)]
Death of mother's sibling 14 August 1831 (Age 18) Haywood, North Carolina, United States
uncle: William Bugg (I3366) (Age 76)
Birth of a nephew or niece 11 May 1832 (Age 19)
niece: Rena Arthur (I1096) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 35) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 32) [View Family (F169)]
Birth of a nephew or niece 5 July 1833 (Age 20)
niece: Costine Arthur (I1097) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 36) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 33) [View Family (F169)]
Death of father 22 February 1835 (Age 22) Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Father: Thomas Hyche (I1098) (Age 50)
Birth of a nephew or niece 5 August 1835 (Age 22) Mississippi
niece: Elizabeth Arthur (I1038) Father: Constantine P. Arthur (I1056) (Age 38) Mother: Elizabeth Hyche (I1057) (Age 35) [View Family (F169)]
Death of mother's sibling 1851 (Age 38) Giles, Tennessee, United States
aunt: Martha Bugg (I3357) (Age 83)
Death of mother 1852 (Age 39) Tascalossa County, Alabama
Mother: Winnefred Bugg (I1099) (Age 70)
Death of mother's sibling 3 July 1853 (Age 40) Williamson, Williamson, Tennessee, United States
aunt: Sarah Bugg (I3363) (Age 89)
Death of mother's sibling 1859 (Age 46) Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States
uncle: Benjamin Bugg (I3365) (Age 100)
Death of mother's sibling 1861 (Age 48) Perry, Tennessee, United States
uncle: Stiles Bugg (I3359) (Age 96)
Marriage of a nephew or niece 14 October 1862 (Age 49) Kemper County Mississippi
niece: Elizabeth Arthur (I1038) (Age 27) Spouse: Benjamin Peter Pruitt (I1037) (Age 52) [View Family (F163)]
Death of mother's sibling 1874 (Age 61) Columbia, Georgia, United States
uncle: Benjamin Bugg (I3351) (Age 75)
Death of a nephew or niece 12 June 1913 (Age 100) Shady Grove, Texas
niece: Elizabeth Arthur (I1038) (Age 77)
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Record ID Number 1637
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