Families Choose a letter to show families whose name starts with that letter.( | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | None | (unknown) | ALL
Include married names
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line
1673 of file
class_person.php in function
1 called from line
448 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
2 called from line
1858 of file
class_person.php in function
3 called from line
440 of file
class_family.php in function
4 called from line
585 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
5 called from line
536 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
6 called from in function
7 called from line
646 of file
functions_db.php in function
8 called from line
277 of file
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line
1673 of file
class_person.php in function
1 called from line
445 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
2 called from line
1858 of file
class_person.php in function
3 called from line
444 of file
class_family.php in function
4 called from line
585 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
5 called from line
536 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
6 called from in function
7 called from line
646 of file
functions_db.php in function
8 called from line
277 of file
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line
1673 of file
class_person.php in function
1 called from line
448 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
2 called from line
1858 of file
class_person.php in function
3 called from line
440 of file
class_family.php in function
4 called from line
585 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
5 called from line
536 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
6 called from in function
7 called from line
646 of file
functions_db.php in function
8 called from line
277 of file
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line
1673 of file
class_person.php in function
1 called from line
448 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
2 called from line
1858 of file
class_person.php in function
3 called from line
444 of file
class_family.php in function
4 called from line
585 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
5 called from line
536 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
6 called from in function
7 called from line
646 of file
functions_db.php in function
8 called from line
277 of file
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line
1673 of file
class_person.php in function
1 called from line
445 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
2 called from line
1858 of file
class_person.php in function
3 called from line
444 of file
class_family.php in function
4 called from line
585 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
5 called from line
536 of file
class_gedcomrecord.php in function
6 called from in function
7 called from line
646 of file
functions_db.php in function
8 called from line
277 of file
Families with surname JOHNSON
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 472 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
1 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
Both alive Widower Widow Both dead Roots Leaves Marriage ? Marriage>100 Marriage<=100 Divorce Reset FAM INDI Name HUSB:GIVN Age INDI Name WIFE:GIVN Age Marriage Place Last Change MARR DEAT TREE
1 F1805 I8757 Adkins, Matthew McDowell Father: Adkins, Mark Sheridan Mother: Lewis, Margaret
MATTHEW MCDOWELL 25 I8810 Johnson, Sarah Father: Johnson, Andrew
SARAH 23 158 7 YES Y
2 F246 I1378 Bolen, Peter Maybe John G. PETER MAYBE JOHN G. I1379 Johnson, Susan Maybe SUSAN MAYBE 8 U Y R
3 F875 I4570 Boothe, William A. Father: Boothe, George W. Mother: Unknown, Rebecca
WILLIAM A. 22 I4584 Johnson, Julia Frances JULIA FRANCES 16 148 2 YES Y
4 F1854 I9027 Burnham, Judson JUDSON I9026 Johnson, Prissilla PRISSILLA 1 U Y R
5 F2578 I11309 Comer, Daniel Kennington Father: Comer, George William Mother: Gibson, Rebecca Elizabeth Margaret Nicitie
DANIEL KENNINGTON 25 I12029 Johnson, Della DELLA 19 105 4 YES Y
6 F23 I95 Conley, Andrew Jackson Father: Conley, James Mother: Gibson, Nancy Ann
ANDREW JACKSON 43 I135 Johnson, Lucy Ann Father: Johnson, Clark Mother: Romies, Carolyn
LUCY ANN 32 141 7 YES Y
7 F279 I244 Daniels, Boy BOY I135 Johnson, Lucy Ann Father: Johnson, Clark Mother: Romies, Carolyn
8 F2373 I11322 Davis, Calvin C Father: Davis, Elias C Mother: Strait, Jemina
CALVIN C I11325 Johnson, Mary Alice Mollie MARY ALICE MOLLIE 7 U Y
9 F241 I1457 Hedges, Thomas Father: Hedges, Samuel Mother: Weld, Elizabeth
THOMAS 18 I1493 Johnson, Mary MARY 362 0 YES Y
10 F2375 I11345 Hill, Abraham ABRAHAM I11325 Johnson, Mary Alice Mollie MARY ALICE MOLLIE 2 U Y R
11 F2420 I11485 Holstein, Unknown UNKNOWN I11474 Johnson, Julia JULIA 1 U Y R
12 F1712 I1595 Jarvis, Levi Father: Jarvis, Jabez Mother: Ridge, Elizabeth
LEVI I8331 Johnson, Rachel RACHEL 0 U Y
13 F1096 I5540 Johnson, Alexander F. ALEXANDER F. 22 I5539 Gibson, Cynitha Father: Gibson, Levi Mother: Burnett, Deliah
CYNITHA 17 136 5 YES Y
14 F2732 I8822 Johnson, Andrew ANDREW
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 445 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 609 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
4 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
(unknown), (unknown) @P.N. 1 U R
15 F277 I245 Johnson, Clark Father: Johnson, Harrison Mother: Garrett, Adeline
CLARK 26 I1722 Alexander, Elizabeth Frances ELIZABETH FRANCES 17 156 5 YES Y
16 F276 I245 Johnson, Clark Father: Johnson, Harrison Mother: Garrett, Adeline
CLARK I246 Romies, Carolyn CAROLYN 1 U Y
17 F278 I245 Johnson, Clark Father: Johnson, Harrison Mother: Garrett, Adeline
CLARK 51 I1728 Stover, Abagail abbie Father: Stover, Alfred Mother: Stover, Jane N.
18 F2387 I11364 Johnson, Curt Father: Johnson, James H Mother: Brown, Becca A
CURT 19 I11363 Dawson, Bessie BESSIE 13 109 2 YES Y
19 F1326 I5139 Johnson, Eli Father: Johnson, John Mother: Unknown, Martha
ELI 27 I6538 Rose, Emma Ann Father: Rose, Robert Marshall Mother: Frame, Polly
EMMA ANN 22 128 6 YES Y
20 F1668 I1724 Johnson, Harrison HARRISON I1723 Garrett, Adeline ADELINE 1 U Y R
21 F2388 I11366 Johnson, James H JAMES H 15 I11365 Brown, Becca A BECCA A 13 144 9 YES Y R
22 F998 I4712 Johnson, John JOHN I4713 Unknown, Martha MARTHA 8 U Y R
23 F1099 I5541 Johnson, John Robert Father: Johnson, Alexander F. Mother: Gibson, Cynitha
JOHN ROBERT I5557 F.Unknown, Virginia VIRGINIA 4 U Y
24 F2366 I6142 Johnson, Robert F. ROBERT F. I3842 Staub, Anna Father: Staub, John Mother: Adams, Rolandy Rosalie Rosa
25 F2693 I5774 Johnson, unknown UNKNOWN
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 445 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 609 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
4 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
(unknown), (unknown) @P.N. 1 U R
26 F902 I4706 Johnson, William H. Father: Johnson, John Mother: Unknown, Martha
WILLIAM H. 33 I3734 Nottingham, Miltilda Tilda Katherine Father: Nottingham, John Stewart Mother: Deal, Elizabeth Meda
27 F2418 I11475 Moore, Jasper JASPER I11474 Johnson, Julia JULIA 1 U Y R
28 F1670 I7886 Thomas, Andrew Father: Thomas, William Mother: Yates, Sarah
ANDREW I7885 Johnson, Arena ARENA 7 U Y
Given NamesShow parents Total families : 28Hidden : 3 HUSB:GIVN Given NamesWIFE:GIVN Show statistics charts MARR DEAT TREE
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 278 of file famlist.php