
Choose a letter to show families whose name starts with that letter.
( | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | None | (unknown) | ALL

Include married names   

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 444 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 444 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 445 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 444 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 440 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php
Families with surname HEIL
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 472 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
1 called from line 278 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 445 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 609 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
4 called from line 278 of file famlist.php
FAMINDINameHUSB:GIVNAgeINDINameWIFE:GIVNAgeMarriageAnniversaryPlaceChildrenLast ChangeMARRDEATTREE
1F544I2863Van Delwig, JohnJOHN I2531Heil, MargaretMARGARET221610 YESY
2F547I2878Hall, JacobJACOB I2527Heil, AngelicaANGELICA    0 UY
3F546I2871Hassenauer, JacobJACOB21I2526Heil, PhilomenaPHILOMENA201594 YESY
4F69I463Heil, AugustAUGUST37I460Neumeier, Maria TheresiaMARIA THERESIA201353 YESY
5F123I472Heil, ConradCONRAD41I473Knauf, Anna MariaANNA MARIA241762 YESY
6F2I2Heil, James Joseph ThomasJAMES JOSEPH THOMAS30I3Aipa, Muriel LeilaniMURIEL LEILANI23714 Y100Y
7F460I2525Heil, JohnJOHN28I2532Gerbit or Cass, Angelica AnnaANGELICA ANNA201877 YESY
8F76I12Heil, Rubert Joseph ThomasRUBERT JOSEPH THOMAS21I13Graham, Ethel MaryETHEL MARY211112 YESY
9F2600I826Heil, UnknownUNKNOWN  ‎(unknown)‎, ‎(unknown)‎@P.N.    2 UR
10F283I465Heil, Urban AnthonyURBAN ANTHONY I1738Glaze, Ruby leeRUBY LEE    0 UY
11F542I2855Heinzin, PeterPETER29I2529Heil, ElizabethELIZABETH211660 YESY
12F545I2864Moehl, JohnJOHN23I2533Heil, Catherine BabaraCATHERINE BABARA191626 YESY
13F543I2856Pfenning, Sebatian J.SEBATIAN J.36I2530Heil, Mary AnnaMARY ANNA291566 YESY
Given Names

Total families : 13
Hidden : 3
HUSB:GIVN Given Names