
Choose a letter to show families whose name starts with that letter.
( | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | None | (unknown) | ALL

Include married names   

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 444 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 440 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 440 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php

ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 440 of file class_family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 585 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getSortName
5 called from line 536 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function Compare
6 called from in function usort
7 called from line 646 of file functions_db.php in function get_famlist_fams
8 called from line 277 of file famlist.php
Families with surname BROWN
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 472 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
1 called from line 278 of file famlist.php

FAMINDINameHUSB:GIVNAgeINDINameWIFE:GIVNAgeMarriageAnniversaryPlaceChildrenLast ChangeMARRDEATTREE
1F919I4662Adkins, HansfordHANSFORD28I3746Brown, Eliza EllenELIZA ELLEN441020 YESYR
2F2087I10119Brown, Charles FCHARLES F I10141Brown, CoraCORA    9 UY
3F200I1292Brown, ElmerELMER I1294Brown, ArtisARTIS    0 UYR
4F199I1292Brown, ElmerELMER I1293Brown, PearlPEARL    0 UYR
5F198I1292Brown, ElmerELMER23I1008Willabee, Bertha ElizabethBERTHA ELIZABETH151120 YESY
6F1023I5215Brown, George HenryGEORGE HENRY I3716Adkins, AmericaAMERICA    2 UY
7F1855I9022Brown, George WGEORGE W I9021Brown, Emma J.EMMA J.    5 UYR
8F1852I9019Brown, Gilbert WesleyGILBERT WESLEY I9020Unknown, StellaSTELLA    4 UY
9F1851I7245Brown, Henry G.HENRY G. I7216Hinthorn, Alberta EthelALBERTA ETHEL    0 UY
10F2091I10153Brown, John K.JOHN K. I10152Unknown, DorindaDORINDA    4 UYR
11F2543I8859Brown, John RJOHN R21I7813Gibson, NancyNANCY241360 YESY
12F888I4406Brown, MatkiasMATKIAS I4407Mason, PollyPOLLY    1 UYR
13F2086I10122Brown, Newton PainterNEWTON PAINTER I10137Watson, GeorgiaGEORGIA    3 UY
14F1879I9155Brown, Owen M.OWEN M.25I9156Faulkner, NancyNANCY20168 7 YESY
15F2542I8857Brown, ThomasTHOMAS24I7812Gibson, LydiaLYDIA271361 YESY
16F1880I9166Brown, Thomas EastTHOMAS EAST I9165Sizemore, Sarah "Sallie"SARAH SALLIE    1 UYR
17F2082I10118Brown, William Franklin FrankWILLIAM FRANKLIN FRANK30I8652Havens, Julia S.JULIA S.221588 YESY
18F2083I10136Brown, William T.WILLIAM T. I10135Unknown, MarthaMARTHA    1 UYR
19F1759I8647Conley, JosephJOSEPH I8664Brown, Eliza J.ELIZA J.    3 UY
20F1462I4355Cook, AnseANSE I4356Brown, KatyKATY    1 UYR
21F1878I9144Gillenwater, OrvilleORVILLE26I9143Brown, Sarah EmmaSARAH EMMA161444 YESY
22F1843I8954Hinthorn, EliELI22I8981BROWN, MinnieMINNIE201334 YESY
23F2388I11366Johnson, James HJAMES H15I11365Brown, Becca ABECCA A13143 9 YESYR
24F833I4340Osborne, James HarveyJAMES HARVEY25I4396Brown, MahaldaMAHALDA231329 YESY
25F2028I7290Shepherd, Augustus TantrumAUGUSTUS TANTRUM22I7289Brown, Amanda ElizabethAMANDA ELIZABETH151286 YESY
26F592I727Shortridge, RobertROBERT16I3183Brown, RebeccaREBECCA2021620 YESY
27F698I3745Williams, Sherman AlexSHERMAN ALEX27I3746Brown, Eliza EllenELIZA ELLEN161298 YESYR
Given Names

Total families : 27
Hidden : 4
HUSB:GIVN Given Names