William Bartley + Permelia Milly James

William Bartley ‎(I2357)‎
Birth 1814 34 21 -- North Carolina
Death 17 August 1906 ‎(Age 92)‎ -- Watson, Effingham, Illinois, United States
Issac Bartley ‎(I309)‎
Birth 1780 25 22 -- Orange County, North Carolina
Death 1860 ‎(Age 80)‎ -- Pike County, Kentucky
Tabitha Babb ‎(I298)‎
Birth 1793 -- Orange County, North Carolina
Death 24 October 1858 ‎(Age 65)‎ -- Russell, Virginia

Permelia Milly James ‎(I2467)‎
Birth about 1819 -- Grayson, Virginia, United States
Death 1870 ‎(Age 51)‎ -- Pike, Kentucky, United States
Nancy Bartley ‎(I2463)‎
Birth 1834 20 15
John W Bartley ‎(I2462)‎
Birth 1840 26 21
James Bartley ‎(I2461)‎
Birth 1843 29 24 -- Virgina
Elijah Bartley ‎(I2458)‎
Birth 1844 30 25
Polly Bartley ‎(I2460)‎
Birth 1846 32 27 -- Virgina
Plesant Bartley ‎(I2459)‎
Birth 1847 33 28
Jesse L Bartley ‎(I2466)‎
Birth 5 May 1851 37 32 -- Russell, Virginia, United States
Death 20 August 1938 ‎(Age 87)‎ -- Pike, Kentucky, United States
Rev Reviller Revel Bartley ‎(I2465)‎
Birth 2 May 1854 40 35 -- Russell, Virginia, USA
Death 7 January 1911 ‎(Age 56)‎ -- Watson, Effingham, Illinois, USA
Thomas Bartley ‎(I2464)‎
Birth 1857 43 38 -- Russell, Virginia, USA
Death 1945 ‎(Age 88)‎ -- Pike, Kentucky, USA

Family Group Information   (F452)

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0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
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