Perry Behymer + Mary E. Legg

Perry Behymer ‎(I1880)‎
Birth December 1848 26 21 -- Ohio
William Behymer ‎(I1883)‎
Birth 5 April 1822 40 -- Crab Orchard, Linciln County, Kentucky
Death 1900 ‎(Age 77)‎ -- Grant County, Indiana
Martha Littleton ‎(I1884)‎
Birth April 1827 -- Ohio

No recorded children

Family Group Information   (F313)

ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 478 of file functions_charts.php in function print_family_facts
2 called from line 170 of file family.php

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0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
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2 called from line 170 of file family.php
Marriage Marriage 24 March 1872 Tipton County, Indiana

Globally unique Identifier 0AA8FE8AE6BCB7B84252D2BF514F30D6

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