Hezekiah Blankenship + Nancy Bowling

Hezekiah Blankenship ‎(I10476)‎
Birth 1800 -- Tazewell, Tazewell, Virginia, United States
Death 11 June 1863 ‎(Age 63)‎ -- Tazewell, Tazewell, Virginia, United States

Nancy Bowling ‎(I10475)‎
Birth 1800 -- Tazewell, Tazewell, Virginia, United States
Death November 1842 ‎(Age 42)‎ -- Tazewell, Tazewell, Virginia, United States
DeWitt Clinton Blankenship ‎(I10465)‎
Birth January 1831 31 31 -- Kentucky
Death 12 August 1908 ‎(Age 77)‎ -- Mossyrock, Lewis, Washington, United States

Family Group Information   (F2142)

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