William Adkins + Nancy B. Adkins\Atkins

William Adkins ‎(I8761)‎
Birth May 1834 44 39 -- Raleigh, Virginia, United States
Death 1900 ‎(Age 65)‎ -- Shady Springs, Raleigh, West Virginia, USA
Mark Sheridan Adkins ‎(I3978)‎
Birth 1790 27 21 -- Franklin, Virginia, USA
Death 1860 ‎(Age 70)‎ -- Fayette, West Virginia, USA
Margaret Lewis ‎(I3974)‎
Birth 1795 -- Virginia
Death 1860 ‎(Age 65)‎ -- Lincoln, West Virginia, United States

Nancy B. Adkins\Atkins ‎(I8809)‎
Birth 1832 -- Raleigh County, ‎(W)‎VA
Death after 1900 ‎(Age 68)‎ -- Shady Springs, Raleigh County, WV
Sarah M. Adkins\Atkins ‎(I8808)‎
Birth 1863 28 31
Virginia FRANCES Adkins\Atkins ‎(I8807)‎
Birth 1865 30 33 -- Raleigh County, WV
Death after 1888 ‎(Age 23)‎
Hannah Margaret Adkins\Atkins ‎(I8805)‎
Birth March 1867 32 35 -- Mercer County, WV
Death after 1900 ‎(Age 32)‎ -- Summers County, WV
Mary Jane Adkins\Atkins ‎(I8806)‎
Birth April 1867 32 35 -- FAYETTE County, WV
FRANCES A. Adkins\Atkins ‎(I8804)‎
Birth 1869 34 37 -- Raleigh County, WV
Death 1892 ‎(Age 23)‎

Family Group Information   (F1804)

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Marriage Marriage 30 November 1855 Raleigh County, ‎(W)‎VA

Globally unique Identifier 1478EAFEFDD7AC3B429633DEF527AE66

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