B. Chester Adkins + Nancy Nannie M Kincaid

B. Chester Adkins ‎(I3979)‎
Birth about 1859 24 30 -- West Virginia
Death 27 October 1921 ‎(Age 62)‎ -- Roane Co. West Virginia, State Cemetery, Hemlock
Harrison Lewis Adkins ‎(I3965)‎
Birth February 1834 44 39 -- West Virginia
Death 1900 ‎(Age 65)‎ -- Fayette Co West Virginia
Nancy Berry ‎(I3966)‎
Birth 1829 -- Virginia
Death 1900 ‎(Age 71)‎ -- Fayette Co West Virginia

Nancy Nannie M Kincaid ‎(I8756)‎
Birth 18 January 1859 -- Glade Creek, Fayette, West Virginia, United States
Death 23 July 1895 ‎(Age 36)‎ -- Raleigh, Raleigh, West Virginia, United States
No recorded children

Family Group Information   (F1792)

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Marriage Marriage 27 January 1880
Globally unique Identifier ECEEB3DA8EDCB16547EC9877548785A5

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