Owen Gibson + Sarah Allen

Owen Gibson ‎(I7450)‎
Birth 1805 42 -- Tennessee, United States
Death 1871 ‎(Age 66)‎ -- Kentucky, United States

Dicey Price Gibson ‎(I7449)‎
Birth 1763 -- North Carolina, USA
Death 1808 ‎(Age 45)‎ -- Kentucky, USA

Sarah Allen ‎(I7502)‎
Birth 1810 19 23 -- Tennessee, USA
William B. Allen ‎(I7772)‎
Birth 16 April 1790 -- Virginia
Death after 1860 ‎(Age 69)‎ -- Pike County Kentucky
Mary Jane "Polly" Blankenship ‎(I7771)‎
Birth about 1787 -- Virginia
Death after 1860 ‎(Age 73)‎ -- Pike County Kentucky
Peggy Gibson ‎(I7501)‎
Birth 1828 23 18 -- Kentucky USA
Polly Gibson ‎(I7500)‎
Birth 1830 25 20 -- Kentucky USA
James Gibson ‎(I7496)‎
Birth 1835 30 25 -- Kentucky USA
Death 1 October 1911 ‎(Age 76)‎ -- Pike, Kentucky, United States
Mary Ann Gibson ‎(I7499)‎
Birth November 1837 32 27 -- Kentucky USA
Death 1920 ‎(Age 82)‎ -- Pike Co., Kentucky, USA
William Gibson ‎(I7498)‎
Birth 1844 39 34 -- Kentucky USA
Jesse Gibson ‎(I7497)‎
Birth 1851 46 41 -- Virginia, USA
Death 1941 ‎(Age 90)‎ -- Kentucky, USA

Family Group Information   (F1561)

ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 478 of file functions_charts.php in function print_family_facts
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0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
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2 called from line 170 of file family.php
Marriage Marriage 1833 Floyd County Kentucky

Globally unique Identifier 5066E48E5A98903E457C2C96C8808B44

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