Edmond Whitt + Hannah Lester

Hannah Lester ‎(I707)‎
Birth 1 November 1772 18 21 -- Fincastle County, Virginia
Death 23 August 1856 ‎(Age 83)‎ -- Carter County, Kentucky
Abner Lester ‎(I408)‎
Birth 8 August 1754 30 26 -- Montgomery County, Virginia
Death July 1833 ‎(Age 78)‎ -- Williamson County, Tennessee
Martha "Patsy" Rebecca Arthur ‎(I409)‎
Birth 1751 31 22 -- Montgomery County, Virginia
Death 1840 ‎(Age 89)‎ -- Montgomery, Virginia, United States
Rebecca Whitt ‎(I769)‎
Birth 1803 30
Richard Price Whitt ‎(I765)‎
Birth 8 December 1806 34
Abijah Whitt ‎(I766)‎
Birth 23 January 1809 36
Linney Whitt ‎(I767)‎
Birth 1813 40
Louisa Lovisa Whitt ‎(I768)‎
Birth 22 July 1819 46

Family Group Information   (F115)

ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 478 of file functions_charts.php in function print_family_facts
2 called from line 170 of file family.php

ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 151 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact
1 called from line 478 of file functions_charts.php in function print_family_facts
2 called from line 170 of file family.php
Marriage Marriage 27 October 1801 Russell County Virginia

Globally unique Identifier A4D908ADC5BAB9FF47A7F8EC2E262A38

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