Compact Chart:

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Harrry Ernest Allison
1890-1974 ‎(84)‎
Compact Chart: I290
Maurice Elbert Allison
1920-2007 ‎(87)‎
Compact Chart: I292 Private
Compact Chart: I295
Evelyn Elva Bennett
1922-2000 ‎(77)‎
 Compact Chart: I176
John H. Marcy
1820-1885 ‎(64)‎
Morgan Edward Doerschlag
1831-1917 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I19Compact Chart: I25
John Galusha Grow Marcy
1858-1915 ‎(57)‎
Compact Chart: I15 Fayetta Ellen Marcy
1891-1968 ‎(77)‎
Compact Chart: I16 Ella Elfreda Doerschlag
1866-1952 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I20Compact Chart: I26
Charlotte Farnham
1827-1867 ‎(40)‎
Agnese Marie Westphal

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