Compact Chart:
Mary Elizabeth Shepherd

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Andrew Augutus Shepherd
1847-1901 ‎(54)‎
Compact Chart: I9856 Augustus Tantrum Shepherd
1874-1973 ‎(99)‎
Compact Chart: I9855 Susan Harriet Iseminger
1844-1928 ‎(84)‎
Compact Chart: I7290
Harold Elliott Shepherd
1903-1988 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I7259 Mary Elizabeth Shepherd
Compact Chart: I7216
Alberta Ethel Hinthorn
1910-1993 ‎(82)‎
 Compact Chart: I7289Compact Chart: I1011
Jacob Jackson Hinthorn
1835-1880 ‎(45)‎
Okenas Angelo
1796-1860 ‎(64)‎
Compact Chart: I7260Compact Chart: I7269
Amanda Elizabeth Brown
1881-1973 ‎(92)‎
James Franklin Hinthorn
1865-1946 ‎(80)‎
Compact Chart: I7214 Della Mae Hinthorn
1890-1967 ‎(76)‎
Compact Chart: I7213 Etta Jane Engloe Angelow
1855-1930 ‎(74)‎
Compact Chart: I7267Compact Chart: I7268
Ellen Elizabeth Bilbrey
1837-1877 ‎(39)‎
Alice Philes Kershaw

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