Compact Chart:
Mark Sutphin

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George Sutpkin
Doctor Russell White
1821-1900 ‎(79)‎
Compact Chart: I3899Compact Chart: I6867
Charles Wesley Sutphin
1853-1925 ‎(71)‎
Compact Chart: I3900 Mark Sutphin
Compact Chart: I6860
Lydia White
1852-1933 ‎(81)‎
 Compact Chart: I3888Compact Chart: I6868
Henry Sutpkin
Compact Chart: I3897 Nancy Jane Sutpkin
1837-1907 ‎(69)‎
Compact Chart: I3898 Virginia Jane Harbour
Julia Jarrell
1820-1880 ‎(60)‎

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