Compact Chart:
Agnes de St. John

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William Lord of Basing St. John
Compact Chart: I2632 Sir Robert Lord of Basing de St. John
Compact Chart: I2633 Godeheut de Toeni
Compact Chart: I2624
John Lord of Basing de St. John
Compact Chart: I2615 Agnes de St. John
1275-1345 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I2616
Alice FitzPiers
1249-1300 ‎(51)‎
 Compact Chart: I2625
Sir William ll of Caine de Cantelou
Compact Chart: I2634 Agnes de Cantelou
1213-1279 ‎(66)‎
Compact Chart: I2635 Milicent de Gournay

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