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  1. Johan Henrich Stobough 1730-1792 (Age 62)  Marriage Elizabeth Waggonor 1743-1792 (Age 49)
    1. John Stobough 1755-1836 (Age 81)  Marriage1787 Leah Corder 1760-
      1. James Stobough 1788-
      2. Rachel Stobough 1789-1868  Marriage1806 James Conley 1771-1860 (Age 89)
      3. Martha Patsy Stobough 1807-  Marriage1828 Elijah Sprinkle
        1. Peggy Stobough 1811-  Marriage William Burke
        2. Hannah Margaret Stobough 1754-  Marriage Adam Hance
          1. Andrew Stobough 1758-  Marriage Hannah Curl
            1. Abraham Stobough
            2. Henry Stobough