
Search the way you think the name is written (Soundex)

  1. Andrew Martin  Marriage1866 Mary Cook 1846-1880
    1. Matilda Martin 1869-
  2. Araminta Abigail "Minnie" Martin 1873-1940 (Age 67)  Marriage1888 Harvey Adkins 1857-1928 (Age 71)
  3. Ephrain Martin 1708-  Marriage Hannah Wilson 1712-
    1. Sarah Martin 1720-  Marriage1741 William Yearling Heflin 1718-1760 (Age 42)
    2. John Martin 1739-
    3. Edmund Martin 1745-
    4. Reuben Martin 1748-
    5. Ephraim Martin 1761-
    6. Hannah Martin 1765-
    7. Phoebe Martin 1770-
    8. Abner Catlin Martin 1779-
    9. Sarannah Martin 1782-
  4. Hannah Martin 1817-  Marriage1832 Joseph Hedges 1812-1853 (Age 41)
  5. Helen Jeannie Martin 1900-  Marriage Clarence Joseph Wilabe 1893-1979 (Age 85)
    1. Joseph A. Martin 1889-

    2. ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
      0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
      1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
      2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
      3 called from line 112 of file branches.php in function print_fams
      4 called from line 95 of file branches.php
    3. Louis Martin 1887-  Marriage Asther Peatte 1897-

        ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
        0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
        1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
        2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
        3 called from line 112 of file branches.php in function print_fams
        4 called from line 187 of file branches.php in function print_fams
        5 called from line 95 of file branches.php
        ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
        0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
        1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
        2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
        3 called from line 112 of file branches.php in function print_fams
        4 called from line 187 of file branches.php in function print_fams
        5 called from line 95 of file branches.php
    4. Martha Martin 1822-1863  Marriage1842 James Strickland 1821-1896