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  1. Ani ga ta ge wi woman Cherokee 1680-1746 (Age 66)  Marriage1703 MOYTOY PIGEON TELLICO CHEROKEE 1687-1741 (Age 54)
    1. Willenawah Great Eagle Motoy Cherokee 1700-1788 (Age 88)
    2. Cunne Shote Oconostota Motoy Cherokee 1702-
    3. oconostota stalking turkey Cherokee Indian 1704-1783 (Age 79)
    4. ANI GA TAGE WI MOTOY Cherokee 1705-1796 (Age 91)
    5. Cloquittah Motoy Cherokee 1705-
    6. Raven Hiawassee Motoy Cherokee 1705-1742 (Age 37)
    7. ...
    8. Skalilosken Kittagusta Cherokee Nation 1708-
    9. Attakullakulla Little Carpenter CHEROKEE Wolf Clan 1710-1777 (Age 67)  Marriage Nionee Ollie Ani Wa Ya PAINT CLAN 1720-1792 (Age 72)
    10. ...............
    11. Kitegista Motoy Cherokee 1714-
    12. ...
    13. Ooloosta Paint Clan Cherokee Indian 1720-1783 (Age 63)
    14. ......
    15. Ogosotah Chieftain Etowah Village Motoy Cherokee 1730-
    16. Rebecca Cherokee Indian 1740-1824 (Age 84)
    17. Moyoy Cherokee 1740-
    Ani ga ta ge wi woman Cherokee 1680-1746 (Age 66)  Marriage1702 Moytoy Carpenter 1680-1711 (Age 31)
    1. MOYTOY PIGEON TELLICO CHEROKEE 1687-1741 (Age 54)  Marriage1703 Ani ga ta ge wi woman Cherokee 1680-1746 (Age 66)
      1. Willenawah Great Eagle Motoy Cherokee 1700-1788 (Age 88)
      2. Cunne Shote Oconostota Motoy Cherokee 1702-
      3. oconostota stalking turkey Cherokee Indian 1704-1783 (Age 79)
      4. ANI GA TAGE WI MOTOY Cherokee 1705-1796 (Age 91)
      5. Cloquittah Motoy Cherokee 1705-
      6. Raven Hiawassee Motoy Cherokee 1705-1742 (Age 37)
      7. ...
      8. Skalilosken Kittagusta Cherokee Nation 1708-
      9. Attakullakulla Little Carpenter CHEROKEE Wolf Clan 1710-1777 (Age 67)  Marriage Nionee Ollie Ani Wa Ya PAINT CLAN 1720-1792 (Age 72)
      10. ...............
      11. Kitegista Motoy Cherokee 1714-
      12. ...
      13. Ooloosta Paint Clan Cherokee Indian 1720-1783 (Age 63)
      14. ......
      15. Ogosotah Chieftain Etowah Village Motoy Cherokee 1730-
      16. Rebecca Cherokee Indian 1740-1824 (Age 84)
      17. Moyoy Cherokee 1740-