Ancestry Chart:
Catherine NEVILLE (I8560)
Birth 17 January 149830
27 -- Snape, Yorkshire, England
1 2 and 3 Marriage 1490 -- Grafton, Worcestershire, England
Richard Neville
Birth 146831
26 -- Latimer, Buckinghamshire, England
Death 1530 (Age 62) -- Snape Castle, Snape, Yorkshire, England
2 Father 4 and 5 Marriage 1463 -- Halstead, Essex, England
Pedigree Tree
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Family with spouse
Joan Bourchier
Joan Neville
Richard Neville
Thomas NevilleSir Henry Neville
Birth 143725
21 -- Latimer, Buckinghamshire, England
Death 26 July 1469 (Age 32) -- Bandury, Oxfordshire, England
4 Grandfather 8 and 9 Private
Pedigree Tree
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Family with spouse
Elizabeth de Beauchamp Lady Worcester Heiress
Sir Henry Neville
George NevilleEdward "Baron of Abergavenny" Neville
Birth 141248
37 -- Raby, Durham, England
Death 18 October 1476 (Age 64) -- Monmouthshire, Wales
8 Great-grandfather Pedigree Tree
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Family with spouse
Edward "Baron of Abergavenny" Neville
Sir Henry Neville
George NevilleElizabeth de Beauchamp Lady Worcester Heiress (I8568)
Birth 10 September 1415 -- Hanley Castle, Worcs, England
Death 18 June 1448 (Age 32) -- Carmelites, Warwick, Eng, England
9 Great-grandmother
Pedigree Tree
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Family with spouse
Sir Henry Neville
Joan Neville
Richard Neville
Thomas NevilleJoan Bourchier (I8552)
Birth 1442 -- Halstead, Essex, England
Death 7 October 1470 (Age 28) -- Warwick, Warwickshire, England
5 Grandmother 10 and 11
10 Great-grandfather 11 Great-grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 213 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 213 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 203 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 213 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
3 called from line 203 of file ancestry.php
Anne Stafford (I8550)
Birth 1471 -- Grafton, Worcestershire, England
Death 1500 (Age 29) -- Well, Yorkshire, England
3 Mother 6 and 7
6 Grandfather 7 Grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 213 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 203 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 203 of file ancestry.php