Ancestry Chart:
Harrison Conley (I1556)
Birth 13 October 185426
20 -- Tazewell, Virginia
Death 23 October 1854 (Age 10 days) -- Burks Garden, Tazewell, Virginia
1 2 and 3 Marriage 1853
Gordon Cloyd Conley
Birth 182857
39 -- Tazewell County, Virginia
Death 1908 (Age 80) -- VIrginia USA
2 Father 4 and 5 Marriage 22 May 1806 -- Tazewell County Virginia
James Conley
Birth 177121
11 -- Virginia
Death 1860 (Age 89) -- Tazewell, Virginia, United States
4 Grandfather 8 and 9 Private
James Conley
Birth 175020
20 -- Virginia
Death after 1840 (Age 90) -- Tazewell County, VA. USA
8 Great-grandfather Susannah Carter Smith (I1574)
Birth 1760 -- Dublin, Ireland
Death after 1850 (Age 90) -- Giles County, VA. USA
9 Great-grandmother
Rachel Stobough
Birth 178934
29 -- Virginia
Death after 1868 (Age 79) -- Tazewell County Virginia
5 Grandmother 10 and 11 Marriage 3 November 1787 -- Montgomery County, Virginia
Pedigree Tree
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Family with spouse
Leah Corder
James Stobough
Rachel Stobough
Martha Patsy Stobough
Peggy StoboughJohn Stobough (I980)
Birth 175525
12 -- Pennslyvania
Death 1836 (Age 81) -- VIrginia USA
10 Great-grandfather Pedigree Tree
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Family with spouse
John Stobough
James Stobough
Rachel Stobough
Martha Patsy Stobough
Peggy StoboughLeah Corder (I985)
Birth 1760 -- Virginia, United States
Death -- VIrginia USA
11 Great-grandmother
6 and 7
6 Grandfather 7 Grandmother
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 213 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 203 of file ancestry.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
0 Error occurred on line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
1 called from line 214 of file ancestry_ctrl.php in function print_child_ascendancy
2 called from line 203 of file ancestry.php