Francis Cooke of the Mayflower the First Five Generations
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 75 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
1 called from line 153 of file source.php
Alive in Year Alive Dead Roots Leaves Birth>100 Birth<=100 Death>100 Death<=100 Reset INDI Name GIVN SURN Birth Place Death Age Place Last Change SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
1 I189 Washburn, Elizabeth Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
343 Bridgewater 6 after March 1748
276 66 6 July 2013 - 11:01:46pm F YES YES
2 I196 Cooke, Francis FRANCIS,COOKE COOKE,FRANCIS after 1582
443 England 7 7 April 1663
361 81 Plymouth 7 June 2013 - 1:13:52am M YES YES R
3 I484 Mahieu, Hester HESTER,MAHIEU MAHIEU,HESTER between 1582 and 1588
443 Canterbury 7 between 8 June 1666 and 18 December 1675
358 84 Plymouth 1 July 2013 - 12:23:45am F YES YES R
4 I485 Cooke, John Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
419 Leiden 0 23 November 1695
329 89 Dartmouth 1 July 2013 - 11:36:12pm M YES YES
5 I486 Cooke, (unknown) Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
@P.N.,COOKE COOKE,@P.N. 1608
417 Leiden 0 before 20 May 1608
416 Leiden 1 July 2013 - 12:38:54am U YES YES
6 I487 Cooke, Elizabeth Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
413 Leiden 0 before 22 May 1627
397 15 1 July 2013 - 12:56:55am F YES YES
7 I488 Cooke, Jacob Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
407 Leiden 0 1 July 2013 - 1:19:28am M YES YES
8 I489 Cooke, Hester Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
404 0 1 July 2013 - 1:28:19am F YES YES
9 I490 Cooke, Mary Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
MARY,COOKE COOKE,MARY between 22 March 1626 and 21 March 1627
398 Plymouth 0 1 July 2013 - 1:31:19am F YES YES
10 I491 (unknown), Mary Mitchell, Mary MARY,@N.N. @N.N.,MARY about 1620
405 5 1 July 2013 - 2:01:56am F YES YES R
11 I492 Mitchell, Thomas Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: Cooke, Jane
395 Plymouth 0 after 1 August 1672
352 42 1 July 2013 - 2:05:14am M YES YES
12 I493 Mitchell, Mary Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: Cooke, Jane
393 0 1 July 2013 - 2:12:43am F YES YES
13 I494 Mitchell, Sarah Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: (unknown), Mary
384 Duxbury 0 1 July 2013 - 2:27:33am F YES YES
14 I495 Mitchell, Jacob Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: (unknown), Mary
382 Duxbury 0 1 July 2013 - 2:27:52am M YES YES
15 I496 Mitchell, Edward Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: (unknown), Mary
380 Duxbury 0 1 July 2013 - 2:28:11am M YES YES
16 I497 Mitchell, John Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: (unknown), Mary
375 Duxbury 0 1 July 2013 - 2:24:38am M YES YES
17 I498 Mitchell, Hannah Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: (unknown), Mary
363 Duxbury 0 1 July 2013 - 2:29:39am F YES YES
18 I499 Warren, Sarah Cooke, Sarah SARAH,WARREN WARREN,SARAH about 1614
411 England 0 after 15 July 1696
328 82 Dartmouth 1 July 2013 - 11:36:12pm F YES YES R
19 I524 (unknown), Elizabeth Washburn, Elizabeth ELIZABETH,@N.N. @N.N.,ELIZABETH 14 12 April 1688
336 1 December 2013 - 3:01:05am F YES YES R
20 I539 Washburn, John Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
379 Duxbury 0 1719
306 73 Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 5:23:19pm M YES YES
21 I540 Washburn, Samuel Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
373 Bridgewater 6 24 March 1720
304 68 Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 11:49:22pm M YES YES
22 I541 Washburn, Joseph Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
373 Duxbury 11 20 April 1733
291 81 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 3:40:49pm M YES YES
23 I542 Washburn, Jonathan Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
370 Bridgewater 0 before 10 January 1725/26 (21 January 1726)
299 71 Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 6:45:19pm M YES YES
24 I544 Washburn, Mary Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
363 Bridgewater 0 28 February 1740
284 78 Easton 6 July 2013 - 6:42:11pm F YES YES
25 I545 Washburn, Elizabeth Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
360 Bridgewater 0 27 February 1741/42 (10 March 1742)
282 77 Norton 6 July 2013 - 6:53:04pm F YES YES
26 I546 Washburn, Jane Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
355 Bridgewater 0 before 21 September 1698
326 28 Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 6:58:54pm F YES YES
27 I547 Washburn, James Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
352 Bridgewater 0 11 June 1749
275 77 Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 7:01:13pm M YES YES
28 I548 Washburn, Sarah Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
350 0 1746
279 71 West Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 7:05:00pm F YES YES
29 I549 (unknown), Sarah Washburn, Sarah SARAH,@N.N. @N.N.,SARAH 6 1709
316 6 July 2013 - 10:30:02pm F YES YES R
30 I550 Leonard, John JOHN,LEONARD LEONARD,JOHN 6 before 21 November 1699
325 Bridgewater 6 July 2013 - 10:29:16pm M YES YES R
31 I551 Leonard, John Father: Leonard, John Mother: (unknown), Sarah
JOHN,LEONARD LEONARD,JOHN 0 6 July 2013 - 10:32:14pm M YES YES
32 I552 Leonard, Enoch Father: Leonard, John Mother: (unknown), Sarah
ENOCH,LEONARD LEONARD,ENOCH 0 6 July 2013 - 10:33:03pm M YES YES
33 I553 Leonard, Moses Father: Leonard, John Mother: (unknown), Sarah
MOSES,LEONARD LEONARD,MOSES 0 6 July 2013 - 10:33:55pm M YES YES
34 I554 Leonard, Josiah Father: Leonard, John Mother: (unknown), Sarah
35 I555 Leonard, Joseph Father: Leonard, John Mother: (unknown), Sarah
36 I556 Leonard, Sarah Father: Leonard, John Mother: (unknown), Sarah
SARAH,LEONARD LEONARD,SARAH 0 6 July 2013 - 10:35:42pm F YES YES
37 I557 Atkins, Abigail Washburn, Abigail Father: Atkins, Thomas Mother: (unknown), Elizabeth
370 5 13 December 1732
292 77 6 July 2013 - 10:43:17pm F YES YES
38 I558 Atkins, Thomas THOMAS,ATKINS ATKINS,THOMAS 1 6 July 2013 - 10:39:20pm M YES YES R
39 I560 Heyford, John JOHN,HEYFORD HEYFORD,JOHN 5 6 July 2013 - 10:42:31pm M YES YES R
40 I561 Heyford, Abigail Father: Heyford, John Mother: Atkins, Abigail
41 I563 Heyford, Edward Father: Heyford, John Mother: Atkins, Abigail
42 I564 Heyford, Daniel Father: Heyford, John Mother: Atkins, Abigail
43 I565 Heyford, Benjamin Father: Heyford, John Mother: Atkins, Abigail
44 I566 Washburn, Hepzibah Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
342 Bridgewater 0 26 October 1777
247 94 Salisbury 6 July 2013 - 11:02:21pm F YES YES
45 I567 Washburn, Nathaniel Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
339 Bridgewater 0 after March 1729/30 (March 1730)
294 44 6 July 2013 - 11:33:20pm M YES YES
46 I568 Washburn, Thomas Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
335 Bridgewater 0 6 July 2013 - 11:37:20pm M YES YES
47 I569 Washburn, Patience Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
333 Bridgewater 0 before March 1730
294 38 6 July 2013 - 11:42:55pm F YES YES
48 I570 Washburn, Timothy Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
331 Bridgewater 0 after 19 July 1741
283 47 6 July 2013 - 11:45:08pm M YES YES
49 I571 Washburn, Deliverance Father: Washburn, Thomas Mother: Packard, Deliverance
329 Bridgewater 0 after 19 April 1742
282 46 6 July 2013 - 11:47:08pm F YES YES
50 I572 Washburn, Samuel Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
346 Bridgewater 0 2 September 1752
272 74 Stafford 7 July 2013 - 12:02:10am M YES YES
51 I573 Washburn, Noah Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
342 Bridgewater 0 17 October 1716
308 34 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 12:04:51am M YES YES
52 I574 Washburn, Israel Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
341 Bridgewater 5 before 13 March 1720
304 37 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 12:57:24am M YES YES
53 I575 Washburn, Nehemiah Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
338 Bridgewater 0 17 December 1748
276 62 West Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 12:47:18am M YES YES
54 I576 Washburn, Benjamin Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
335 Bridgewater 0 24 November 1774
250 84 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 12:50:54am M YES YES
55 I577 Washburn, Hannah Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
HANNAH,WASHBURN WASHBURN,HANNAH between 5 March 1689 and 4 March 1690
335 Bridgewater 0 4 March 1766
258 76 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 12:53:21am F YES YES
56 I578 Sumner, Waitstill Washburn, Waitstill WAITSTILL,SUMNER SUMNER,WAITSTILL 5 before 27 February 1721/22 (10 March 1722)
302 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 12:57:24am F YES YES R
57 I579 Washburn, Sarah Father: Washburn, Israel Mother: Sumner, Waitstill
315 Bridgewater 0 7 March 1796
228 86 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 1:02:07am F YES YES
58 I580 Washburn, (unknown) Father: Washburn, Israel Mother: Sumner, Waitstill
@P.N.,WASHBURN WASHBURN,@P.N. 6 January 1710/11 (17 January 1711)
314 Bridgewater 0 22 January 1710/11 (2 February 1711)
314 0 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 1:03:31am M YES YES
59 I581 Washburn, Deborah Father: Washburn, Israel Mother: Sumner, Waitstill
312 Bridgewater 0 26 March 1759
265 46 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 1:06:25am F YES YES
60 I582 Washburn, Seth Father: Washburn, Israel Mother: Sumner, Waitstill
310 Bridgewater 0 before 19 May 1729
295 14 7 July 2013 - 1:08:18am M YES YES
61 I583 Washburn, Israel Father: Washburn, Israel Mother: Sumner, Waitstill
306 Bridgewater 0 21 January 1796
229 77 Raynham 7 July 2013 - 1:13:14am M YES YES
62 I585 Latham, Hannah Washburn, Hannah Father: Latham, Robert Mother: Winslow, Susanna
372 11 after 1 July 1725
299 72 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 3:42:48pm F YES YES
63 I586 Latham, Robert ROBERT,LATHAM LATHAM,ROBERT 1 7 July 2013 - 3:42:48pm M YES YES R
64 I587 Winslow, Susanna
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 470 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getPrimaryName
4 called from line 1615 of file class_person.php in function getPrimaryParentsNames
5 called from line 209 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
6 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1673 of file class_person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 448 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1858 of file class_person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 470 of file class_gedcomrecord.php in function getPrimaryName
4 called from line 1624 of file class_person.php in function getPrimaryParentsNames
5 called from line 209 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
6 called from line 153 of file source.php
Father: Private Mother: Private
65 I590 Washburn, Miles Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
MILES,WASHBURN WASHBURN,MILES before 21 March 1677/78 (31 March 1678)
346 Bridgewater 0 about 1772
253 93 Amenia 7 July 2013 - 10:15:00pm M YES YES
66 I591 Washburn, Hepzibah Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
345 Bridgewater 0 4 April 1750
274 70 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 10:17:24pm F YES YES
67 I592 Washburn, Jonathan Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
342 Bridgewater 3 after March 1735/36 (March 1736)
288 53 8 July 2013 - 12:41:16am M YES YES
68 I593 Washburn, Joseph Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
338 Bridgewater 0 1759
266 72 Leicester 7 July 2013 - 10:25:50pm M YES YES
69 I594 Washburn, Mary Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
335 Bridgewater 0 23 April 1750
274 60 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 10:31:12pm F YES YES
70 I595 Washburn, Hannah Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
334 Bridgewater 0 7 July 2013 - 10:33:18pm F YES YES
71 I596 Washburn, Ebenezer Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
332 Bridgewater 0 before 5 March 1762
262 69 Monmouth 7 July 2013 - 10:38:30pm M YES YES
72 I597 Washburn, Ephraim Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
330 Bridgewater 0 before 16 July 1755
269 60 Plympton 7 July 2013 - 10:40:44pm M YES YES
73 I598 Washburn, Edward Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
327 Bridgewater 0 before 6 November 1758
266 60 Middletown 7 July 2013 - 10:43:57pm M YES YES
74 I599 Washburn, Benjamin Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
325 Bridgewater 0 after 18 April 1752
272 52 Bridgewater 7 July 2013 - 10:45:23pm M YES YES
75 I600 Washburn, Rebecca Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
REBECCA,WASHBURN WASHBURN,REBECCA Bridgewater 0 7 July 2013 - 10:47:34pm F YES YES
76 I601 Perry, Rebecca Washburn, Rebecca REBECCA,PERRY PERRY,REBECCA 2 October 1689
335 Sandwich 3 before 21 October 1728
296 39 Bridgewater 8 July 2013 - 12:46:00am F YES YES R
77 I602 Washburn, Silas Father: Washburn, Jonathan Mother: Perry, Rebecca
SILAS,WASHBURN WASHBURN,SILAS 11 February 1712/13 (22 February 1713)
311 Bridgewater 0 8 July 2013 - 12:50:41am M YES YES
78 I603 Washburn, Lemuel Father: Washburn, Jonathan Mother: Perry, Rebecca
310 Bridgewater 1 8 July 2013 - 1:09:02am M YES YES
79 I604 Washburn, Susanna Father: Washburn, Jonathan Mother: Perry, Rebecca
308 Bridgewater 0 8 July 2013 - 12:56:52am F YES YES
80 I694 Conant, Jerusha Father: Conant, Josiah Mother: Washburn, Elizabeth
JERUSHA,CONANT CONANT,JERUSHA 8 January 1701/02 (19 January 1702)
323 Middleborough 0 14 July 2013 - 8:02:40pm F YES YES
81 I695 Pratt, Samuel SAMUEL,PRATT PRATT,SAMUEL 0 14 July 2013 - 8:02:40pm M YES YES R
82 I696 Conant, Mary Father: Conant, Josiah Mother: Washburn, Elizabeth
321 Middleborough 0 14 July 2013 - 8:04:57pm F YES YES
83 I697 Cobb, John JOHN,COBB COBB,JOHN 0 14 July 2013 - 8:04:57pm M YES YES R
84 I698 Conant, Prudence Father: Conant, Josiah Mother: Washburn, Elizabeth
317 Middleborough 0 14 July 2013 - 8:09:29pm F YES YES
85 I699 Weston, Thomas THOMAS,WESTON WESTON,THOMAS 0 14 July 2013 - 8:06:55pm M YES YES R
86 I700 Conant, Susanna Father: Conant, Josiah Mother: Washburn, Elizabeth
313 Middleborough 0 14 July 2013 - 8:10:48pm F YES YES
87 I701 Conant, Josiah Father: Conant, Josiah Mother: Washburn, Elizabeth
JOSIAH,CONANT CONANT,JOSIAH 20 January 1717/18 (31 January 1718)
307 Middleborough 0 14 July 2013 - 8:11:54pm M YES YES
Given NamesShow parents Total individuals : 87GIVN SURN Show statistics charts SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 430 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 432 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 434 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 153 of file source.php
Francis Cooke of the Mayflower the First Five Generations
ERROR 8: A non well formed numeric value encountered
0 Error occurred on line 472 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
1 called from line 158 of file source.php
Both alive Widower Widow Both dead Roots Leaves Marriage ? Marriage>100 Marriage<=100 Divorce Reset FAM INDI Name HUSB:GIVN Age INDI Name WIFE:GIVN Age Marriage Place Last Change MARR DEAT TREE
1 F195 I485 Cooke, John Father: Cooke, Francis Mother: Mahieu, Hester
JOHN 28 I499 Warren, Sarah SARAH 20 28 March 1634
390 Plymouth 0 1 July 2013 - 11:36:12pm YES Y
2 F207 I192 Washburn, John Father: Washburn, John Mother: Moore, Margery
JOHN 63 I524 (unknown), Elizabeth ELIZABETH after 7 November 1684
340 0 6 July 2013 - 2:24:43pm YES Y
3 F209 I190 Washburn, Thomas Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
THOMAS 59 I549 (unknown), Sarah SARAH 28 July 1708
316 Bridgewater 0 6 July 2013 - 10:27:41pm YES Y
4 F210 I550 Leonard, John JOHN I549 (unknown), Sarah SARAH about 1670
355 6 6 July 2013 - 10:35:42pm YES Y R
5 F211 I190 Washburn, Thomas Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
THOMAS 62 I557 Atkins, Abigail Father: Atkins, Thomas Mother: (unknown), Elizabeth
ABIGAIL 56 24 July 1711
313 Bridgewater 0 6 July 2013 - 10:38:06pm YES Y
6 F213 I560 Heyford, John JOHN I557 Atkins, Abigail Father: Atkins, Thomas Mother: (unknown), Elizabeth
ABIGAIL 24 8 April 1679
345 Braintree 5 6 July 2013 - 10:48:43pm YES Y
7 F215 I574 Washburn, Israel Father: Washburn, Samuel Mother: Packard, Deborah
ISRAEL 25 I578 Sumner, Waitstill WAITSTILL 3 November 1708
316 Bridgewater 5 7 July 2013 - 1:09:54am YES Y
8 F217 I541 Washburn, Joseph Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
JOSEPH 25 I585 Latham, Hannah Father: Latham, Robert Mother: Winslow, Susanna
HANNAH 24 about 1677
348 Bridgewater 11 7 July 2013 - 10:47:34pm YES Y
9 F220 I592 Washburn, Jonathan Father: Washburn, Joseph Mother: Latham, Hannah
JONATHAN 28 I601 Perry, Rebecca REBECCA 22 24 December 1711
313 Sandwich 3 8 July 2013 - 12:56:52am YES Y
10 F76 I190 Washburn, Thomas Father: Washburn, John Mother: Mitchell, Elizabeth
THOMAS 35 I191 Packard, Deliverance Father: Packard, Samuel Mother: (unknown), Elizabeth
DELIVERANCE 32 before 29 October 1684
340 7 6 July 2013 - 11:47:08pm YES Y
11 F77 I192 Washburn, John Father: Washburn, John Mother: Moore, Margery
JOHN 25 I193 Mitchell, Elizabeth Father: Mitchell, Experience Mother: Cooke, Jane
ELIZABETH 17 6 December 1645
379 Duxbury 11 6 July 2013 - 7:05:01pm YES Y
12 F80 I196 Cooke, Francis FRANCIS 21 I484 Mahieu, Hester HESTER 21 after 30 June 1603
421 Leiden 7 1 July 2013 - 1:31:21am YES Y R
Given NamesShow parents Total families : 12HUSB:GIVN Given NamesWIFE:GIVN Show statistics charts MARR DEAT TREE
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 811 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2063 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2067 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 813 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1995 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1999 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 815 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_fam_table
2 called from line 158 of file source.php